Monday, 16 January 2017

Eurofighter signs support deals for Typhoon fighters

Support services for Typhoon fighters has been signed by Eurofighter and four NATO countries.

By Richard Tomkins   |           Jan. 13, 2017 at 12:41 PM

HALLBERGMOOS, Germany, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH has signed two contracts for the support of Typhoon fighters flown by four NATO countries.

The two deals were signed with NETMA, the NATO Eurofighter & Tornado Management Organization on behalf of core Eurofighter nations, and Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH on behalf of aircraft makers Airbus Defense and Space, BAE Systems and Leonardo.

The first five-year contract covers the sustainment of engineering capabilities and program management. The second, also for five-years, covers logistics, repairs, and the provision of spare parts for the Eurofighter fleet.

"The signing of these two contracts will ensure that the Eurofighter Typhoon weapon system will continue to meet the operational requirements," said NETMA General Manager, Air Vice-Marshal Graham Farnell. "Moreover, these long-term contracts, associated with continuing development and support, when considered in tandem with the existing and planned capability development contracts, will guarantee the continued development of the weapon system thereby advancing the intended program of continuous improvement."

The swing-role Eurofighter Typhoon is in service with six countries and has been ordered by two more, most recently Kuwait. New capabilities are being added to the aircraft, with test and integration activity currently underway for new electronically scanned array radar Captor-E, advanced beyond visual range air-to-air missile Meteor, the precision-guided cruise missile Storm Shadow and the precision air-to-surface missile Brimstone.

It has a maximum speed of 1,550 miles at altitude and a service ceiling of 65,000 feet.

Germany, Britain, Italy and Spain, partners in the development of the Eurofighter, are the NATO countries represented by NETMA.

The multinational Eurofighter program secures more than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies.

Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the Typhoon program on behalf of the Eurofighter partner companies, Airbus Defense and Space in Germany and Spain, BAE Systems in the United Kingdom and Leonardo in Italy.

No additional contract details were disclosed by Eurofighter in announcing the two deals.

Original post:

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Eurofighter Typhoon: Details