Armée de Terre
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Updated: 02/11/2020
In October, the Army and the French Navy tested the Griffon's amphibious capacity by carrying out a maritime transshipment operation aboard the PHA Dixmude.
Credits: Army
On the Toulon naval base, the Technical Section of the Army (STAT) conducted an assessment of the maritime embarkation of the Griffon. 24.5 tonne vehicle with impressive dimensions (7.58 m, 2.54 m, 3.50 m), its missions are to support and transport combatants equipped with the Feline weapons system as close as possible to the fighting . Carrying 10 men, it has a strong ballistic protection capacity and a remotely operated turret with 12.7 mm machine gun and a Galix grenade launcher system. For this assessment, the first part of the operation consisted in carrying out jointly with the crew of the Griffon and the amphibious helicopter carrier (PHA) Mistral of the French Navy a side door embarkation. The second part of the maneuver was conducted offshore. With the help of the amphibious flotilla, they joined the PHA Dixmude to conduct a sea transshipment operation.
The purpose of these evaluations is to validate the possible configurations of the loading plans on the various French Navy vessels likely to embark the Griffon. This amphibious capability allows Army units to be engaged in a demanding environment and in a joint framework. These assessments thus make it possible to consolidate interoperability with the French Navy.
Rights: Army 2020