Demands Summit With Putin After Russia and Iran Ruin Israel’s Plan For Syria
cries to Moscow about a triumphant Iran
Rudy Panko
Mon, Mar 6, 2017
It looks
like Moscow hit an Israeli nerve.
thoughtful observers wondered why S-400s deployed to Syria didn't vaporize
Israeli fighter jets as they "flew over Lebanon’s Arsal Barrens,
where both Al-Qaeda and ISIS are headquartered", only to drop their
payloads on Syrian Army positions inside Syria.
It's because
Russia didn't need to (and also, no WWIII, please). Despite its best efforts —
including sending special forces into Syria in
order to "observe" terrorists fighting the Syrian Arab Army —
Israel's ambitions in Syria have been thwarted.
Don't believe
us? Netanyahu is flying to Moscow on Thursday to whine about big bad Iran
and how sad it is that Syria isn't a destabilized, "moderate"
rebel-ruled hellhole — the perfect excuse for Israel to gobble up more Syrian
land, in the interests of "national security".
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would meet Russian President Vladimir Putin
in Moscow on Thursday to voice opposition to what the Israeli leader charged
were Iran's attempts to establish a permanent military foothold in Syria.
the framework of a (future peace agreement) or without one, Iran is attempting
to base itself permanently in Syria - either through a military presence on the
ground or a naval presence - and also through a gradual attempt to open a front
against us on the Golan Heights," Netanyahu told his cabinet in public
remarks on Sunday.
will express to President Putin Israel's vigorous opposition to this
possibility," he said.
Israel, a nuclear power with a modern, U.S.-supplied and funded military crying
to Putin about Iran and how unfair it is that the international cabal that
assembled to destroy Syria has failed.
Oh, and by
the way — Israel has never denied that it periodically bombs Syria:
has said that Israel has carried out dozens of strikes to prevent weapons
smuggling to the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah via Syria.
That's nice.
Too bad Moscow
has repeatedly stated that Hezbollah has played a decisive role in
combating ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria.
Israel has
also found other creative ways of trying
to impose its will on Syria:
Israel has
been providing logistic support and medical assistance to opposition forces –
including Jabhet al-Nusra terror organization – fighting President Bashar
warplanes have repeatedly targeted Syrian Army positions under the pretext of
preventing sophisticated weapons from reaching the Lebanese Hezbollah group.
Thanks to
Russia and Iran, "Greater Israel" is now a pipe dream.
Enjoy Moscow, Netanyahu!
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