Boeing Wins $2.2 Billion to Produce Anti-Sub Warfare Aircraft
The US
Navy has awarded $2.2 billion for production of P-8A anti-submarine and spy
planes, the Department of Defense announced in a press release.
(Sputnik) – US defense giant Boeing has received a $2.2 billion award
to manufacture 11 P-8A anti-submarine and surveillance aircraft
for the US Navy and other partners, according to the release.
Boeing Co., Seattle, Washington, is being awarded a $2,196,638,752 modification
to a previously awarded contract for the manufacture and delivery
of 17 P-8A aircraft for the Navy (11), foreign military sales
(2), and cooperative agreement partners (4)," the release explained
on Thursday.
The P-8A
Poseidon is designed for long-range anti-submarine, anti-surface warfare
and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It is based
on Boeing's 737-800.
Work will be
performed in the US States of Washington, Maryland, New York,
Illinois, California and Utah. The contract is expected to be fulfilled
in December 2020.
Related post:
Poseidon-8A: Details