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Thai Navy ships dock in Da Nang port
Civilian Information from the Ministry of Defense said on December 31, the Thai Navy ship H.T.M.S. TACHIN (FFG 471) was captained by Colonel Smitnat Kunnavatana to visit Tien Sa port (Da Nang), starting a visit to Da Nang city from December 31, 2018 - January 3, 2019.
As soon as the Thai Navy ship arrived at Tien Sa port, representatives of the Navy Army, Military Region 5, Border Guard of Da Nang city, the Thai Embassy in Vietnam welcomed the delegation.
The visit of the FFG 471 Thai Navy ship contributes to strengthening the cooperation between the two navies and two armies, in accordance with the friendly and multifaceted cooperation between Vietnam and Thailand.
Under the plan, during the visit to Da Nang city, the Thai Navy commander will pay a courtesy call to the Commander of Region 3 Navy; The crew of the ship visited some local landscapes and historical sites.
Tuan Hop
Royal Thai Navy's new Frigate FFG-471 HTMS Tachin Delivery Ceremony
DW-3000F Frigate: Details