Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Defense Ministry signed a contract to upgrade the Su-34

Vladislav Perminov

Defense Ministry signed a contract to upgrade the Su-34

The Ministry of Defense and the Sukhoi company signed a contract to modernize the Su-34 bomber. It is reported by Interfax with reference to an informed source.

According to the source, the Ministry of Defense decided to start work on creating a modernized version of the Su-34 bomber and signed a corresponding contract with Sukhoi. In the course of work, the aircraft should receive improved avionics and new weapons.

"A contract was signed between the Ministry of Defense and Sukhoi to conduct development work on the creation of a modernized version of the Su-34. The company has already embarked on preliminary technical design of the upgraded version of the aircraft.

- the source said. 

As previously reported, the modernization of the Su-34, taking into account the experience of using the aircraft in combat conditions in Syria, was supposed to begin last year. At the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant, which is part of Sukhoi, development work was initiated on an initiative basis to increase the combat potential of the aircraft, including equipping the Su-34 with new weapons and new electronic warfare systems.

Su-34 is a multifunctional fighter-bomber designed to strike at ground and surface targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense equipment. According to its combat capabilities, the Su-34 belongs to the 4 ++ generation and is capable of performing basic combat missions without escorting fighters. Due to the high speed and maneuverability, the bomber can independently conduct an air battle with enemy fighters. The plane received the unofficial nickname "Duckling" because of the bow, in a shape resembling a duck beak.