Monday, 19 August 2019

Russia began development of the latest land base hypersonic X-47M2 medium-range missiles

Минобороны России

Mixture of “Dagger” and “Iskander”: development of a new rocket has begun in Russia - International news

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Against the background of the withdrawal of the United States of America from the Treaty on intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, in Russia began the development of the latest hypersonic medium-range missiles. As it turned out, we are talking about the ground-based version of the dagger missile system, which will combine the capabilities of the Iskander OTRK.

As an expert of the Military-Industrial Courier publication notes, the X-47M2 missile, which is currently part of the Dagger, will be taken as the basis, but the missile will be two-stage - the second stage will be taken from 9M723, which is part of the OTRK Iskander.

“There will be enough thrust in excess - 175 kilonewtons, despite the fact that the rocket will recover up to 7,500–7,600 kilograms and will extend to 11 meters. As a result, at the end of the active section, she will receive the same four thousand meters per second, as when starting with the MiG-31, necessary to achieve a range of two thousand kilometers, ”the Military-Industrial Courier publication notes.

It is not known how much these data correspond to reality, but experts have made such a statement a lot of questions, since the same Kh-47M2 missile is a modified version of the rocket used in the Iskander OTRK, as a result of which this is not about “landing” of the Dagger ARC and on the modernization of OTRK Iskander, which was previously assumed. In this case, the new rocket will become hypersonic.


Iskander Tactical Ballistic Missile System: Details