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Invisibility will be a thing of the past. In Russia, created the technology for detecting stealth aircraft in the United States | Military analysis | Yandex Zen
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3 July 2020
Probably even people who are far from military aircraft are well aware of such fighters as the F-22 and F-35.
And they basically know that these are invisible planes. That is, they are made by stealth technology and it is difficult to detect them in advance on radars.
At least the Americans themselves like to talk about it.
This is not surprising, because this is the main plus of American fighters thanks to which they can discreetly approach the target and fulfill the tasks assigned to them.
And on this their pluses end.
Because by their other characteristics, they noticeably lose to competitors, including Russian fighters.
Talk about the fact that American "invisibles" are very visible on Russian radars has been going on for a long time, and now that Russian experts have discovered a new technology, we can say with confidence that stealth fighters have lost their main advantage.
The new detection method was created by specialists of the A. L. Mints Radio Engineering Institute.
If we talk about the principles of the new method, it’s worthwhile to understand how the so-called stealth technology works.
The principle of low radar visibility is based on the fact that the aircraft is given a unique shape.
Thanks to this aircraft, it is possible to reflect the radio signals sent by the enemy to the other side from air defense radars.
But, experts from the Radiotechnical Institute have developed a method for detecting stealth aircraft, which is based on the analysis of the radar shadow, the direction of which is on a par with the physical goal itself.
Thanks to this method, you can get more accurate information about the coordinates of the target. And here it is worth noting that a multi-channel synthetic aperture radar scheme is used.
All this allows you to get a very high-quality radar picture.
If we talk about where you can place this equipment, then even small unmanned aerial vehicles will do. Accordingly, they can transmit data to the control panel in real time.
Given all this, the latest American fighters, such as the F-35 and F-22, lose their trump card - stealth. And without this trump card, they have no chance against our fifth-generation fighter Su-57.
If we talk about the F-35, then in its characteristics it is seriously inferior to our Su-57.
For example, the maximum speed of the Su-57 is 2.4 Mach. While the F-35, this figure is equal to Mach 1.6. The practical range of the Su-57 is 4,500 km, while the F-35C has 2,520 km. For other modifications of the F-35, it is even lower.
Given all this, a more maneuverable and high-speed Su-57 will simply not leave a chance in an F-35 battle. B no imaginary invisibility will help him.
Pavel Myth YB @flickr |
RTI introduced a new way to detect "invisible" objects
At JSC “Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintsa (RTI JSC), part of RTI JSC, introduced a new way of selecting moving objects (SDOs) made using stealth technology. The method is based on the analysis of radar shadow (RLT) of the observed object.
As part of the development of a new method, RTI JSC assessed the possibility of using radar shadow analysis by synthesizing the aperture of moving objects that arise at the stage of terrain mapping. As a result, it was possible to introduce a new model for calculating the RLT of a moving object and show that the method under consideration is simple to implement and can be used as an additional feature in the selection of moving objects.
“The developed method for observing“ invisible ”objects made using stealth technology is the result of the joint work of several educational institutions, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and small business. We have obtained viable cooperation, ”said Makarov Kirill, General Director of RTI JSC.
This method has high practical significance. If along with the image of an object shifted along the bearing, its shadow is observed, then direction finding should be carried out along it. In this case, the difference of the bearings of the radar image of the object and the shadow carries information about the speed of the object.
A new method reduces the level of direction finding errors. The proposed structural diagram of a multi-channel synthesized aperture radar (SAR) provides for the simultaneous formation of a high-resolution radar image, the selection of moving objects on board a small-sized aircraft, and the reception and transmission of data to a control center in real time. Source: rti-mintsru
Sukhoi Su-57: Details
F-22 Raptor: Details
F-35 Lightning II: Details