Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Taiwan conducts inaugural test flight for second 'Brave Eagle' trainer jet


Taiwan conducts inaugural test flight for second 'Brave Eagle' trainer jet | Taiwan News | 2020/12/27

By Kelvin Chen, 
2020/12/27 16:18

Test pilots Kuan Yen-nien (left) and Lu Chih-yuan. (Military News Agency photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) —The second domestically built Brave Eagle Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) successfully completed its inaugural flight on Saturday (Dec. 26).

The Military News Agency on Saturday pointed out that after the new trainer jet finished its first flight, the test pilot will continue conducting a number of flight assessments.

Lu Chih-yuan (路志元), one of Saturday’s test pilots, said that the ATJ must be tested thoroughly, from the aircraft's development phase to its large-scale production. Test pilots are involved during assembly, engine inspection, full-performance test runs, low-speed and high-speed taxiing trials, and other processes.

Lu will share the test results with engineers and work with them to make adjustments to improve the aircraft’s technical capabilities. Through further flight tests and fine-tuning, the Brave Eagle will be tested until it meets the needs of the Air Force.

Kuan Yen-nien (管延年), the second test pilot, said the flight test officer conducts avionics, security control, air control, hydraulic load, fuel, and other sub-system tests in the air to obtain data and verify the aircraft’s performance.

The first AJT, manufactured by Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, was officially revealed in Taichung on Sept. 24 after it was assembled in late June.

A total of 66 Brave Eagle AJTs are expected to be delivered by 2026, replacing the nation’s aging AT-3s and F-5E jets.