Ilya Solovey
Photo: Fedor Leukhin /
The Sokol Nizhny Novgorod Aircraft Building Plant, a branch of the MiG Corporation of the United Aircraft Building Corporation, has completed a contract for the overhaul and modernization of a batch of MiG-31 interceptor fighters. On December 25, the final combat vehicle departed for a permanent airfield.
“The modernized MiG-31 possesses high flight performance and is capable of successfully solving combat missions in modern conditions,” noted Andrey Gerasimchuk, Managing Director of RAC MiG. - Today NAZ Sokol continues technical re-equipment, which will allow it to apply new technologies, improve the production system, increase the efficiency of the enterprise and fulfill contractual obligations in full, on time and with high quality. "
The MiG-31 is the first fourth-generation combat vehicle designed for use in the country's air defense system. Another contract for the modernization of a batch of interceptor fighters was signed in 2019.
NAZ Sokol is the only plant that serially produces the MiG-31. At present, one of the main areas of the enterprise's work is the modernization and repair of MiG-31 and MiG-29UB aircraft, as well as the production of basic units for the MiG-29K / KUB ship-based fighter and the MiG-29M / M2 fighter for the Russian Ministry of Defense and foreign customers.