Friday, 24 November 2017

US Senate defence appropriators recommend big boost in MC-130J procurement

MC-130J Commando II -

Pat Host - IHS Jane's Defence Industry

22 November 2017

US Senate defence appropriators are recommending a big boost in Lockheed Martin MC-130J Commando II aerial refueller procurement in fiscal year 2018 (FY 2018).

The Senate Appropriations Committee (SAC) is suggesting USD1.2 billion for MC-130J procurement, USD800,000 more than the Pentagon requested and USD200,000 more than the House and Senate authorised in their defence authorisation conference report. This would provide for 13 aircraft – eight more than requested and two more than potentially authorised. The defence authorisation conference report is awaiting the president’s approval or veto.

No MC-130J breakout was listed in the House appropriations bill that the chamber approved.

Original post:

C-130J Hercules: Details