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The rocket 9M729 - personal impressions of the briefing of the Russian Defense Ministry
01/23/2019, a briefing was held by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 9M729 missile - the one whose presence is considered by the United States to be the main violation by Russia of the Treaty on Medium and Small-Range Missiles (hereinafter - the INF). Briefly for the neophytes - under the INF Treaty, which was signed between the USSR and the USA in 1987, both sides agreed not to build and not to deploy ground-based ballistic and cruise missiles with a range from 500 to 5500 km. Yesterday the United States announced its intention to completely withdraw from this Treaty in connection with Russia's violation of this agreement. The United States accuses Russia of creating a new 9M729 cruise missile deployment. The briefing on January 23, 2019 was devoted to this rocket ( in this article, photographs of Russian and international news agencies and the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense were used ).
- January 23, 2019 , This was the case for the United States last week. It was agreed that there should be no agreement between the parties to the treaty and the peace treaty in the treaty. The agreement was signed in the United States of America. The United States accuses Russia of creating a new 9M729 cruise missile deployment. A briefing on January 23, 2019 was devoted to this missile.
Some more background information - the 9M729 rocket is a cruise missile, which was created by the Novator Design Bureau, probably as a development of the 9M728 cruise missile of the Iskander-M missile complex. In 2014, the State tests of the rocket 9M729 and its improved version were successfully completed (for which for some reason they are always forgotten). This is all on public domestic sources of information. It is assumed that the 9M729 rocket is used from the 9P701 self-propelled launcher (SPU), which, like the SPU 9P78-1 complex of the Iskander-M complex, is assembled on the MZKT-7930-0000200 chassis, which are supplied for the assembly of the SPU 9P701 Volgograd TsKB Titan in 2016-2017 (and probably later) in an amount of at least 8 units per year. This is all again according to public domestic data. And now for the briefing.
- Some more background is the 9M729 cruise missile and the Iskander-M missile complex. In 2014, the state tests of the rocket 9M729 and its improved version were successfully completed (they were always forgotten). Domestic sources of information. It is assumed that the MZKT-7930-0000200 chassis, which is assembled on the MZKT-7930-0000200 chassis, is not per year. This is all again according to public domestic data. And now for the briefing.
Actually, the 9M729 rocket at the briefing showed posters with pictures of the internal structure and some data; shows a plate with the number of rocket launches from the interspecific Kapustin Yar test site (4th State Center of Emergency of the Russian Ministry of Defense) The rocket itself was not shown directly. Where do we start? Let's go with SPU.
- Actually, the 9M729 missile at the briefing showed some details; tranport-launch tube of 9M729 and 9M728 missiles were shown; Shows images of the rocket launches from the Kapustin Yar test site. The missile itself was not shown directly. Where do we start? Let's go with TEL
1. Self-propelled launcher (SPU) 9P701 (the installation was not signed, but I believe that this is its index) actually represents a modified installation almost identical to the installation of the Club-M exhibition complex shown at the IMMS-2007 international naval salon Avia Salon MAKS-2007. The installation differs from the installation of the Iskander-M system by the increased height of the body, which allows it to carry not 2, but 4 TPK with cruise missiles of the complex. Perhaps there are other changes.
- I’m not sure I’ve signed it, but I’m not really a sign of the TEL of the Club-M from some 2007 exhibitions. The TEL differ from the body of the body, and not 4, but 4 missiles. Perhaps there are other changes.
Photos from the air show MAKS-2007 - in fact, the first prototype of the 9P701 installation, as it comes out.
I note that previously there were hypotheses about the fact that the installation with 4 missiles, the prototype of which was shown for the first time in 2007, is the installation for a new cruise missile, but there was no confirmation of this. In general, it is now clear what is what and why, and what a geo-centric difference here. Below is a drawing of 2011 with a prototype of this installation. By the way, measurements even then showed that the installation could carry missiles that are somewhat longer than the usual 9M728 / R-500.
- It’s a tel. In general, it is clear what the difference is there. Below is a drawing of 2011 with a prototype of this installation. By the way, this image showed that this TEL are somewhat longer than the TEL for usual 9M728 / R-500.
The last row of the table is the launcher calculation (crew).
2. Missile 9M729. Sadly, the rocket itself was never shown - it would be curious and would remove a lot of questions and dispel most of the accusations. But ... Either a politician or ... They showed pictures and a container from a rocket.
- Missile 9M729. It’s a lot of questions. But ... They showed only pictures and a tube from a missile.
Schematic images of the layout of the 9M728 and 9M729 missiles are not to scale. let's compare with the already well-known "Tomahawk" (below). In the 9M729 shown, the ratios of the warhead, electronics compartments and minimalist fuel tanks are a bit confusing. What kind of electronics is there? OK.
Although there is a general question: why was such a rocket needed in the presence of 9M728? To get 30-50 kg more warhead? Or to get a missile with a nuclear warhead? But a nuclear warhead, in principle, can weigh not 500 kg, but let's say 150 kg and it’s logical to take the vacated space with a tank. Again, given the modularity of the design to which it would seem logical to go back in the 1990-2000-ies. Perhaps this is the very improved version of the 9M729? No information here yet. In general, according to the official version, the new missile 9M729 has a slightly larger warhead and a little more compartment with electronics, which has increased the power and accuracy of the strike.
In general, I would not be too lazy for such a briefing to roll out the split rocket mockup all confirming and disproving - it would be much more convincing.
- Images of the 9M728 and 9M729 missiles are not to scale. Let's compare with the well-known "Tomahawk" (below). In the 9M729 shown, the electronics compartments are a bit confusing. What kind of electronics is there?
- Although there is a new question? To get 30-50 kg more warhead? Or to get a missile with a nuclear warhead? But it is not up to 150 kg (for example). Again in the 1990-2000s. Perhaps this is the very improved version of the 9M729? No information here yet. In general, the 9M729 of the new missile has been up.
- In general, I wouldn’t be too lazy for such a briefing to show my detailed mockup of the missile.
3. TPK (transport and launch container) . In principle, it was curious to look at the WPK with signs denoting the internal compartments of the rocket, which is located inside the WPK. Informative for ordinary media, but somehow unusual for submitting a sample of rocket technology. The stripes indicate the boundaries of the compartments, which confirm the previously shown pictures and complement the prevailing dissonance. The fuel tank is almost the size of a sustainer engine, and the warhead is smaller than the control system, together with the correction subsystem. It seemed a little strange to me.
- Launch tube. There is a possibility to see the internal compartment of the rocket, which is located inside the tube. Informative for ordinary media. This is where you can see the pictures and complements of the prevailing dissonance. The fuel tank is reduced in size, and the warhead is smaller. It seemed a little strange to me.
4. Plate with starts Kapustin Yar . Very good reservation on the plate: "and within a radius of 5 km from this point" because first, the point falls on the positions of the site for launching anti-aircraft missiles, and not on the site from which the means of Iskander-M complexes are usually tested. Secondly, with this reservation - i.e. taking into account the fact that not all launches from the Kapustin Yar test site are shown here, but only in a certain area of it, there are no questions in the tablet. Of course, it would be interesting to see the layout of the MFA launch of the ground forces by complex - for example, 4 launches in the end, 9M729, etc. etc. What can be accurately verified - the launches of the Strategic Missile Forces - completely coincides with what is already known - the launches of the Topol-E and RS-26 Frontier missiles at the Sary-Shagan test site are indicated.
- Kapustin Yar test site. Very good note: "From within this point of the radius of 5 km from this point" We can say that all digits are correct. Of course, it would be very interesting to see the types of all tests of the missiles. For example, 4 launches in the end, 9M729, etc. etc. It's my fantasy. It can be taken for sure that it can be accurately verified. may be in the future.
Here, perhaps, that's all for now. Deeper will be later. Due to the severe lack of time, the relevant articles on the website have not yet been modified and therefore do not provide links to them.
That's all for now. May be later I will more informative. It’s not.
Russian military presents 9M729 missile, which US claimed violates INF Treaty - Video
Iskander Tactical Ballistic Missile System: Details