Thursday, 21 February 2019

ОАК intends to supply Be-200 amphibious aircraft to India

Aviation International News

ОАК намерена поставлять в Индию самолеты-амфибии Бе-200 - РИА Новости, 21.02.2019: Translated by google - BANGALORE, Feb. 21 - RIA News . The United Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation intends to supply the Be-200 amphibious aircraft to India, negotiations are underway, the general director of the Aircraft Company manufacturing these machines told journalists on Thursday Beriev Yuri Grudinin.

The Be-200 is a Russian amphibious aircraft developed by the Taganrog Aviation Scientific-Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev (TANTK) and previously collected at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. The aircraft is designed to meet the challenges of fire extinguishing, emergency assistance in areas of emergency disaster, search and rescue on water, sanitary and cargo transportation. The Be-200 has the ability to take off and land both on land and on water.

Beriev BE-200: Details