Monday, 5 October 2020

To replace the An-26. IL-112V is in a hurry to "lose weight"


На смену Ан-26. Ил-112В торопится «худеть»

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Roman Barsky 30 September 2020, 

IL-112V is designed for 44 passengers or 5 tons of cargo. After commissioning, it will replace the An-24 and An-26. The first flight of the Il-112V took place in March 2019 at the airfield of the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company (VASO). The first test taxiing of the aircraft took place in December 2018. The first rolling out of the car took place in November. The first installation batch for the military transport aviation of the Aerospace Forces is estimated at 35-37 vehicles. 

Over the twenty years of the project's existence, work on the Il-112V was stopped several times. According to the Russian military, the Ukrainian An-140 was more successful. The establishment of the production of these aircraft was started at the aircraft plant in Samara. But after the curtailment of military-technical cooperation in 2014, they had to abandon this venture and return to the stopped Il-112V project.   

The first flight of the Il-112V was accompanied by an automatic failure. It turned out that the resulting overweight aircraft must be lightened by 2.5 tons. This was announced in April 2019 by the chief designer of PJSC "IL" Nikolay Talikov.


At the moment, the military customer believes that the Il-112V turned out to be too heavy. Removing "minor structural elements" will help the light military transport turboprop aircraft reduce weight.         

Specialists of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) announced the completion of the test cycle of the Il-112V model as part of work to reduce the weight of the structure. According to TsAGI, the tests were carried out in a T-106 transonic wind tunnel at modes close to cruising flight, that is, at an air flow rate of 600-800 km / h.   

Experts conducted methodological tests to assess the impact of each element on the overall aerodynamics of the aircraft. Tests have shown that "on the lightweight version, a comparable level of aerodynamic performance was obtained, as on the original, heavier one." The next stage is the study of the hinge moments of the modified controls on the model of the half-wing of the Il-112V aircraft in the T-102 wind tunnel. 

Comparison of the sizes of the Il-112V and An-26. 

It will help to "lose weight" the aircraft: removal of secondary metal elements, which can be easily dispensed with without compromising the strength of its structure. It was decided to remove the metal covers that cover the propulsion unit and the fairings of the niche where the landing gear of the aircraft is placed. Unlike the fuselage and wings, these elements do not affect the strength of the aircraft.     

Work on the "extra" weight, a military transport, has been going on for over a year. The chief designer of PJSC "IL" Nikolay Talikov clearly divided the development of the aircraft into two stages, from 2004 to 2014 and from 2014 to the present. It is in this division that the cause of the problems that Il. In his words, there was already an overload in the documentation that was developed in the first period. And this problem was raised by the team of designers. But due to the fact that in 2010, the Ministry of Defense chased the Ukrainian Antonovs, the Il-112V project surfaced only in 2014. This is where the problems arose. The terms of reference was changed by 50%. The issue with the extra tons of the aircraft faded into the background and surfaced even when it came to testing.  

General scheme. 

In an interview in 2019, Talikov mentioned that the list of improvements on the project is 135 positions, a solution to 113, already at that time, was selected. 

The following improvements were known: 
1. Replacement of secondary structures that do not affect strength, rearrangement, structures, introduction of composite materials. In particular, a transition from duralumin alloys to aluminum-lithium is promised. The widespread use of new materials will also be involved in secondary structures: handles, steering wheels, hatches. The ramp and doors of the cargo compartment, engine nacelles, landing gear fairings will be lightened. 
2. Engineers have proposed a new mathematical model of the fairing of the wing and fuselage, which will make it possible to achieve higher smoothness and quality of surfaces, reducing the number of sewn surfaces. The peculiarity of the aircraft wing is that it is created as a one-piece structure and is attached to the fuselage from above using load-bearing elements. 
3. Aircraft assemblies and systems are being finalized to reduce weight. Engines, hydraulic systems, equipment have been improved. According to various sources, this whole complex of measures will allow to close the extra 2.5 tons and save additional kilograms. 

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