PUBLISHED : 6 OCT 2021 AT 04:00
The air force needs new, advanced aircraft to strengthen the nation's defences, newly appointed air force chief, ACM Napadej Dhupatemiya, says.
He said his father, former air force chief ACM Praphan Dhupatemiya, once told him the air force needed more advanced fighter jets like the F-35, provided the country could afford them and had the people's backing.
The air force's current fleet of fighter jets is getting old and should be replaced with modern aircraft, he added.
"War is inevitable," and the country must be fully prepared, ACM Napadej said.
He said the country must not underestimate the chances of conflicts breaking out so it should be adequately equipped if and when they arise.
"We need to move past the ordinary types of jets and embrace more advanced aircraft," the new chief said.
"Useful aircraft are quality aircraft," ACM Napadej added.