Monday, 19 September 2022

Algeria buys Russian T-14 tanks, S-500 air defense systems and Su-34M bombers

Vladislav Perminov

Military Watch: Алжир покупает российские танки Т-14, ЗРК С-500 и бомбардировщики Су-34М | Военное дело

© Bai Xueqi / XinHua / Global Look Press

Author: SERGEY KOMARIN, Editor

18.09.2022 11:23

It is known that the army of Algeria is considered the most combat-ready in Africa.

Observers of the publication Military Watch said that Algeria has signed a contract with Russia for the supply of new weapons. It is noted that the amount of the transaction is 7 billion dollars. At the same time, none of the parties officially announced the acquisition of Russian weapons.

It is known that the army of Algeria is considered the most combat-ready in Africa. The new contract will upgrade existing equipment and strengthen the country's position in the region. However, what kind of weapon was acquired at the moment cannot be said. The authors of the publication suggested that Algeria could sign a preliminary contract for the supply of Russian fifth-generation Su-57 fighters. Another acquisition could be the S-500 anti-aircraft system, modernized T-90AS, T-14 Armata tanks, as well as Su-34M front-line bombers.

Earlier it was reported that the union of military personnel of the German Armed Forces warned the German authorities against the supply of weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Su-34 (Su-32) Fullback: Details
Sukhoi Su-57: Details
T-90S MBT: Details
T-14 Armata: Details
S-500 Prometheus 55R6M Triumfator-M: Details