After 14 years, Airbus A400M 'not fully
- Published: 9/05/2017 at
01:12 AM
- Online
BERLIN - A confidential report by the German
Defence Ministry has warned that technical challenges and contractual wrangling
with Airbus could impair full operational use of Europe's A400M military
transport plane.
The A400M, Europe's largest defence project,
was ordered in 2003 to give Europe an independent military transport capability
but costs have since spiralled and Airbus has warned of "risks ahead"
for the program.
"Given the under-financing of the
program and the expected demands for delay-related damages, Airbus will not
make the needed investments to carry out required improvements," said the
ministry report seen by Reuters on Monday. "The operational use of the
plane is therefore in jeopardy."
The report said Airbus could ask for delays
of 12-18 months to resolve remaining issues, such as defensive measures and the
ability to deploy paratroopers, as part of its latest negotiations with seven
NATO countries involved in the 20 billion euro (757 billion baht; $21.9
billion) project.
That means that Germany could face a
capability gap in 2021 when its current transport plane, the C-160 Transall, is
due to be retired from service, the report said........ Read entire post:
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A400M Military Transport: Details