China's Hongdu Aviation Industry Corporation on May 1 unveiled a new attack variant of the L-15 Falcon advanced jet trainer, known as the L-15B. Hongdu Aviation is part of the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).
The L-15B is an enhanced version of the L-15 LIFT (Lead
In Fighter Trainer) variant used by both the People’s Liberation Army Air Force
and People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force. Both use the Ukrainian
Ivchenko-Progress afterburning AI-222K-25F turbofan, giving the L-15B
supersonic speed up to Mach 1.4. According to AVIC’s specifications, the
L-15B has a maximum takeoff weight of 11.6 metric tons (25,573 pounds) and
operational range of 2,600 km (1,616 miles). Source
According to Chinese media pictures new
additions are F-16 style IFF antenna.
It will also have a small phased array radar,
wing tip hanging PL-5EII infrared fighting, the wing mounted under the SD-10
from the air bomb, KG600 electronic jam pod, LS-6 series 50 / 100kg satellite /
Inertial guidance of small diameter bombs, and Singapore Airlines show the same
model. Source
Increased weapon hard points on the L-15B
from seven to nine, with a maximum payload of 3.5 metric tons. A sample weapon
configuration could be PL-12 radar-guided beyond visual range missiles, LT-2
laser guided bombs and a centerline cannon pod. Source
Missiles and bombs shown on model
Image: dafeng
Hongdu L-15: Details