Tuesday, 9 May 2017

US State Department approved possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Slovakia for Bell 429 light utility helicopters estimated at $150 million

Media/Public Contact: 
Transmittal No: 17-14

WASHINGTON, Apr. 28, 2017 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Slovakia for Bell 429 light utility helicopters. The estimated cost is $150 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on April 27, 2017.

Slovakia has requested a possible sale of nine (9) Bell 429 Light Utility Helicopters with customer-unique modifications. Also included are WESCAM MX-10 cameras, training, spare parts, and logistical support, mission equipment, communication and navigation equipment, special tools and test equipment, ground support equipment, airframe and engine spare parts, technical data, publications, maintenance work order/electronic change proposals, technical assistance, repair and return, quality assurance team, and transportation of aircraft. The estimated cost is $150 million.

This proposed sale will enhance the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve the security of a NATO ally that has been, and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress within Europe.

The proposed sale of the Bell 429 light utility helicopters will improve Slovakia’s capability to meet current and future threats. Slovakia will use the enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland defense and deter regional threats. Slovakia will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its armed forces.

The proposed sale will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be Bell Helicopter of Piney Flats, Tennessee. There are no known offset agreements in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Slovakia.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, pm-cpa@state.gov.


Original post: dsca.mil

Bell 429 light utility helicopter

Bell 429, dubbed GlobalRanger, is a light twin-engine helicopter developed to become the new benchmark in its segment market due to its low maintenance costs and reliability. It builds on the legacy of the OH-58, Bell 407 and Bell 427 helicopters. The aircraft is expected to offer greater range, better ergonomics, lower noise, increased speed, improved altitude and larger cabin than competition by utilizing new technologies developed by Bell Helicopter Textron. This aircraft has been specially targeted to corporate and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) market segments.

Two 429 mock-ups were unveiled in February 2005. The Bell 429 GlobalRanger helicopter first production deliveries are due late in 2008 (originally first half of 2007) and the airframe certification with both Transport Canada and the FAA in 2008 (originally second half of 2007). It will accommodate up to eight persons (7 passengers + 1 pilot) or 10 persons in a high density configuration (9+1). In addition to an optional wheeled landing gear will feature a high degree of flexibility to conduct a wide range of missions. 
Source deagel.com

2 x Pratt & Whitney Canada PW207D1 turboshafts

Power Class*
(Shaft Horsepower)
Power Class*
(Shaft Horsepower)
Output Shaft
PW207 Series
570 to 650
6,000 to 6,240
36 to 40

Source pwc.ca


155 kts
287 km/h
Max Cruise
154 kts
284 km/h
Range at VLRC*
421 nm
779 km
Max Endurance*
4.5 hrs
Standard Seating
Maximum Seating
Standard Fuel
217 US gal
821 litres
Aux Fuel (Optional)
39 US gal
148 liters
Cabin Volume**
204 ft³
5.78 m³
Baggage Compartment Volume
74 ft³
2.1 m³
**Empty Weight (Standard Configuration)
4,715 lbs
2,139 kg
Useful Load (Internal, Standard Configuration)
2,285 lbs
1,036 kg
Max Gross Weight (Internal, Optional Max GW)***
7,500 lbs
3,402 kg
Max Gross Weight (External Load)
7,500 lbs
3,402 kg
* Optional Max GW, ISA, Std fuel - no reserve, at 4000 ft (1219 m)
** Total contiguous area, including baggage compartment. Does not include copilot volume of 28 ft³/0.8 m³
*** Requires optional and retrofitable internal gross weight increase kit, certified by Transport Canada

Specification data: bellhelicopter.com