Marina Listseva -
JSC "Aviastar-SP" has prepared for sending to
Irkutsk the next aggregates for МС-21
The Irkutsk Aviation Plant will receive a new unit for
assembling the fifth experimental medium-haul aircraft MS-21. As part of the
cooperation, the Ulyanovsk aircraft plant, JSC Aviastar-SP completed the
assembly of the podkilovoy compartment. At present, the fuselage element is
prepared for shipment to Irkutsk for the further assembly of the airliner.
- In addition to the podkilovoy compartment, we also ship
in the IAZ fuselage panel to the FZ compartment for the sixth aircraft assembly
kit, "explains Vitaly Ignatyev, the director of the MS-21 program at JSC
Aviastar-SP. - In parallel, work is underway on the construction of other units.
Recall, JSC "Aviastar-SP" is the largest
supplier of units for the program MS-21. The enterprise produces sets of panels
for the fuselage compartments F1, F2, F3, F4, F5; pikylevoy compartment and the
APU compartment; all doors (11 doors for each airplane); tail fin (keel and
stabilizer assembly with rudders direction and height).
Currently, in the assembly workshop of the MC-21 units,
the tail unit and the auxiliary power plant compartment are assembled on the
fifth aircraft. And before the end of this year, the company plans to ship a
set of doors to Irkutsk for the fifth car, as well as fuselage panels for the
F4 and F5 compartments for the sixth aircraft.
Original post:
Irkut MC-21: Details