Sunday, 28 August 2016

BTR-82A Armored Personnal Carrier to receive anti-tank gun

Published: Friday, 19 August 2016 08:31

Russia`s BTR-82A armoured personnel carrier developed by the Military Industrial Company (Russian acronym: VPK, Voyenno-Promishlennaya Kompaniya) will receive a remote controlled weapon station (RCWS) armed with the 57 mm naval gun, according to a source in the Russian defense industry.
Read entire article: Here

57-mm automatic gun mount AU-220M / 57-мм АВТОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКАЯ УСТАНОВКА АУ-220М

"The installation of the 57 mm naval gun will significantly increase the firepower of the vehicle. It has a firing rate of about 120 rounds per minute. The aforementioned gun can eliminate all types of modern medium IFVs on the battlefield. The integration of the AU-220M Baikal RCWS with the upgraded BTR-82A armoured personnel carrier will also increase the internal volume of the vehicle," the source said.

It is noteworthy that the AU-220M unmanned turret is in high demand on both domestic and global arms markets. For instance, Kazakhstan`s MoD has integrated the station with the Barys wheeled armoured vehicle (a licensed copy of the Mbombe IFV developed by the South African Paramount Group). In 2015, the Emirates Defense Technology (EDT) company from the United Arab emirates (UAE) signed with Russia`s JSC Rosoboronexport (a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation) the agreement to integrate the AU-220M unmanned module with the Enigma 8x8 wheeled APC. "Several nations have already revealed their interest in the acquisition of the AU-220M Baikal RCWS," the source added.

Main Specifications

Overall dimensions, mm:
Length x Width x Height
5820 x 2100 x 1300
GUN automatic caliber 57 mm
Maximum rate of fire, rds. / Min
Range of fire, m
Angles pointing, hail
- vertically
- on the horizon

-5 ... 60
allowance of ammunition
Types of ammunition
shots unitary loading with high-explosive, armor-piercing projectiles and manageable
Paired 7.62-mm machine gun
Rate of fire, rds. / min
700 ... 800
Accurate firing range, m
Ammunition, pc

Burevestnik’s 57 mm А-220М Source

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