Saturday, 28 December 2019

Lockheed Martin awarded F-16 upgrade contract

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization @flickr

Lockheed Martin awarded F-16 upgrade contract | News |

Greece will pay Lockheed Martin Corporation $279 million to upgrade the country’s fleet of F-16 fighter jets, state-run Athens-Macedonia news agency reported Friday.

The Security of Supply and Information (SSI) Agreement was signed Tuesday between the General Directorate for Defense Investments and Armaments (GDDIA) and the US company on Tuesday. The deal was recently approved by Greece’s Parliament.

The upgrade, which will expand the operational capability of Greek F-16s, is expected to be completed by 2027.

Lockheed Martin awarded a $997 million contract for upgrades of 84 F-16 aircraft to the V-configuration from Greece

Greece approves F-16 fighter jet upgrade deal with the United States