Thursday, 19 December 2019

Tu-22M3 long-range bomber sustains damage during emergency landing due failed engine

Tu-22M3 long-range bomber sustains damage during emergency landing due failed engine - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM

A Tupolev Tu-22M3 long-range bomber sustained damage during its emergency landing with a failed engine in the Astrakhan Region in Russia’s south and a special commission will assess its scope, a source in the region’s emergencies services told TASS on Tuesday.

Russia’s Defense Ministry reported earlier on Tuesday that a Tupolev Tu-22M3 strategic bomber of the Aerospace Force had landed with a failed engine on the ground in the Astrakhan Region while the pilots were unhurt in the incident.

"The plane sustained damage but its degree will be determined by a special commission. Now the issue of the plane’s evacuation is being considered," the source said, adding that the bomber had its home airfield in the Kaluga Region in central Russia.

As another source in the emergencies services specified for TASS, the incident occurred on the access-restricted territory of the Defense Ministry’s Chkalov State Flight Testing Center outside the urban area.

As Russia’s Defense Ministry reported, "during a scheduled flight aboard the Tu-22 aircraft, its engine failed. Thanks to its skillful actions, the crew managed to steer the plane away from a populated area and land it on the ground."

According to the ministry’s data, "the pilots were unhurt and got out of the aircraft on their own. By now, they have been taken to their home base."

The bomber performed its flight without an ammunition load and caused no damage on the ground, the ministry noted.

Tu-22M3M in the sky over High Mountain and Kazan. 05.05.2019 - YouTube
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