Wednesday, 18 December 2019

On Chinese TV called the average age of pilots fighter J-20

Sunson Guo @flickr

On Chinese TV called the average age of pilots fighter J-20

Translated by google

A report from Chinese television examined aspects of preparing pilots for piloting the latest J-20 fighters. The material stated that the pilots of the J-20 - "the elite of the elite of the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army of China." It is alleged that fifth-generation Chinese fighter pilots are on average younger than US Air Force pilots (we are talking about F-22 and F-35 pilots).

From the report:

One would think that for the piloting of fifth-generation fighters, the J-20 selects age pilots who have devoted many years to piloting other fighter aircraft. But this is not so.

A Chinese TV report stated that today the average age of fifth-generation fighter pilots in the PLA Air Force is 32 years. The youngest J-20 pilot, according to the statistics presented, was the 29-year-old Bai Lun.

About what the average age of the pilots F-22 and F-35 in the United States, Chinese TV reporters do not say.

It is noted that modern simulators, aviation simulators, including air combat simulators, help prepare relatively young pilots for piloting fifth-generation combat aircraft.

In China, the training of military pilots, according to media reports, has a funded points system. It includes theoretical training, classes on an aircraft simulator, as well as direct piloting of a fighter. When scoring a certain indicator in points, the pilot is allowed in the squad of pilots J-20.

Recall that at the moment, the Chinese Air Force is faced with the task of equipping all J-20s with the latest engines of its own production.

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