Thursday, 5 December 2019

Russian Helicopters expects to sign a large-scale long-term contract for supply of upgraded Ka-52M helicopters in 2020


Russian Helicopters expects to sign a large-scale long-term contract for supply of upgraded Ka-52M helicopters in 2020 - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM

The Russian Helicopters holding expects to sign a large-scale long-term contract for supply of upgraded Ka-52M helicopters to Russian armed forces, chief executive of the company Andrei Boginsky told TASS on Wednesday.

"There is a new development work on the further upgrade, and we started performing it from this year. We hope we will achieve contracting the next year. We will endeavor from our side to make it like with Mi-28, so that we reach a long-term contract with upgraded Ka-52," the top manager said.

The Russian Defense Ministry awarded a contract for delivery of 96 Mi-28NM attack helicopters by 2027 in August 2019. Conclusion of a similar contract for Ka-52 will benefit the company and the Defense Ministry, Boginsky noted.

Upgraded Ka-52 helicopter to get more capabilities against targets in the air and on the ground