Saturday, 3 July 2021

Unknown air defense system in the Mediterranean made a "target lock", forcing NATO aircraft to retreat

US Air Force / Airman 1st Class Duncan C. Bevan

Неизвестная система ПВО в Средиземноморье произвела «захват цели», вынудив ретироваться самолеты НАТО »

Ainur Sadykova 

The US military command is alarmed by the incident in the Mediterranean, which happened in the area of ​​large-scale exercises conducted by Russia. An unknown air defense system affected the American F-35 stealth fighter, and for him it almost ended in tragedy.

According to AviaPro, we are talking about a new air defense system located at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. It was she who managed to carry out the "target capture", forcing the American fifth generation fighter to retire from the area of ​​the exercise. The combat aircraft, as emphasized, tried to interfere with the Russian ships during the exercise.

The United States did not dare to send stealth to the area of ​​maneuvers a second time. However, a British early warning aircraft E-3D Sentry appeared there. So the Western countries managed to find out that even the S-400 is not affecting aviation, but a new system completely unfamiliar to American experts. Experts are inclined to believe that it was the S-500 Prometheus. Perhaps not in complete form - some of its components could have been tested on the plane.

We will remind, earlier, some media reported that Moscow is testing elements of the S-500 on the territory of Syria, which should soon enter service, although no official confirmation of this has yet been received.

F-35 Lightning II: Details
S-500 Prometheus 55R6M Triumfator-M: Details