That rumor appears in this broadcast at
3:10 in. The source is a special ops person who says no more than that Obama is
going to order a major military event that will shock the world.
I usually do not propagate rumors or assess events too quickly.
In this case, because world war hangs in the balance I am passing this along on
the hope that public airing might set off a chain of questioning and widespread
public responses of disapproval that could stop a rash event from occurring. In
addition, rumors and possibilities of government-created dangers like this
highlight that the U.S. government has altogether too much power in all
respects, as do most governments, and that this situation cries out for
remedies worldwide.
Coming so soon after his Friday meeting on military options,
this rumor has some plausibility. Remember that Obama has been itching to bomb
the Syrian military and infrastructure ever since 2013. Remember also that
Obama has a “knife-edged” decision-making personality. He can swing wildly from
one extreme to another depending upon some factor that happens to strike his
fancy and looms large in his impossible-to-assess decision-making processes.
If Obama suddenly does a 180-turn and bombs Syria, the excuse
could be Aleppo and humanitarian concerns. This has already been a constant
U.S. propaganda refrain as the Syrian forces made headway in Aleppo but also
elsewhere in Syria, bringing the end of the war on Assad’s terms in view. Such
an excuse would be completely phony. If this act occurs, it simply carries on
the incredibly stupid and destructive neocon agenda of attempted world
domination by the U.S.
The consequences of such an attack would be counter-moves by
Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. During such an attack, Russian air defenses
already in Syria would come into play. This implies a dire escalation and even
war between two nuclear powers.
This is all speculation. Obama or any president can stir up
major trouble anywhere in the world. It doesn’t even have to be in Syria.
12:35 pm on
October 17, 2016
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