Sunday, 3 December 2017

Belarus will sell MiG-29 and S-300 to Serbia at lower than the market price

Russian Air Force Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29S (9-13S) 10 August 2012 Kirill Naumenko -

Belarus will sell MiGi-29 and S-300 to Serbia. Price is much lower than the market price


Juliusz Sabak

During the upcoming official visit of Serbian President Aleksander Vucic in Minsk, he is to sign a contract with Alexander Lukashenko for the purchase of four S-300 anti-aircraft systems and six MiG-29 fighters. All these battle systems are to be delivered "at a price much lower than the market price". 

Negotiations on the transfer or sale of anti-aircraft systems and fighters to Serbia have been conducted with Belarus since at least the middle of 2016. Originally, it was about a donation in the form of used MiG-29 aircraft and the purchase of Buk anti-aircraft systems. The S-300 long-range missile sets were also discussed, but their price was too high for Belgrade.  

In the summer of this year there was information about the change of strategy and the purchase of both airplanes and anti-aircraft sets, and the price of this transaction was to be, according to Serbian media, "much better than in the case of Moscow's offer." It is worth recalling that in October, 6 used MiG-29 fighters landed in Serbia, which Russia gave as a gift. Serbs had to pay almost 200 million euros to this "gift" for renovation and modernization to the MiG-29SM standard. It is all the more expensive gift that the resources of these machines will run out on average in 14 years.

Probably the planes acquired from Belarus will be less used, but also need modernization. However, the four S-300 batteries are to be not only in good condition, but also available at an attractive price, definitely below the market value. Most likely they will be S-300W or S-300P kits. This means a surge in the combat capabilities of the Serbian armed forces, which currently only have modernized Kub-M2 and Newa-M1T systems. Even the relatively old S-300 sets will be an element in the Balkans changing the balance of power, especially in the context of purchasing new fighters by NATO-owned Croatia. 

Belarus can sell its older generation long-range kits, as they are replaced by the much newer S-300PS that come from Russia. On the other hand, Moscow introduces S-400 and S-350 kits in their place, adapted to operate under a multilayer anti-stop system. 

Translated by Google - Original post:

MiG-29SM (Factory index 9.13M)

Current production upgrade of MiG-29S, with added ability to launch ASMs, including two Kh-29T/TE (AS-14 “Kedge”) or Kh-31A/P (AS-17 “Krypton”), or four KAB-500KR TV-guided bombs. First version to offer simultaneous dual-target engagement capability. Prototype/demonstrator 17941 first flown 1995, in which year it set C-1h records mentioned earlier. Maximum T-O weight 20,000 kg (44,090 lb). Future enhancements were to include radar with mapping mode. Overtaken by MiG-29SMT. Source:


The MiG-29SM is a multi-role fighter with improved airborne avionics and enhanced nomenclature of high precision weapons capable to destroy the air and ground (surface) targets. At development of the MiG-29SM aircraft version the main attention was paid to reduction of the up-grading cost and terms.

The MiG-29 aircraft upgrading to the MiG-29SM version results in inclusion into the N-019E (N-019ME) airborne radar composition of an independent radar-channel with MVK-04 computer, in upgrading of the optical electronic fire control & navigation system due to integration of a new data display system with a MFD-54 multifunction color display and installation of additional weapons management control system. The flight-navigation and radio-communication equipment is added with the multifunctional computer, GPS receiver and additional radio-station. It is provided for the use of a new electronic counter-measures system in pod.

In the composition of MiG-29SM airborne avionics the data exchange multiplex channel is added (bus of MIL STD 1553B standard).

The "A-A" class weapons nomenclature is added with middle-range missiles R-27ER1, R-27ET1 (T1) with radar-guided and IR homing heads and RVV-AE missiles with active radar homing heads.

The up-graded weapons management system ensures the application of high precision weapons of the "A-S" class: Kh-29T (TE), Kh-31A, Kh-31P missiles and guided bombs KAB-500Kr and KAB-500-OD. While using the target designation pod or target external illumination it is possible to apply the Kh-29L, Kh-25ML missiles as well as the laser guided bombs.

It is possible to adapt the MiG-29SM aircraft to the NATO and/or ICAO standards.

While upgrading the original aircraft to the MiG-29SM version the following optional works can be fulfilled:
– aircraft structure reinforcement for the extension of flight hours and service life up to 100% (depending on the aircraft technical condition);
– increase of internal fuel tanks capacity;
– installation of in-flight refueling systems of different types;
– improvement and/or replacement of some airborne systems;
– repair and transfer to on-condition maintenance.

The MiG-29 aircraft upgrading to the MiG-29SM version can be fulfilled without aircraft delivery to Russia. The Customer’s companies or of the third countries may be involved into upgrading.

The equipment required for MiG-29 aircraft upgrading to the MiG-29SM version as well as appropriate algorithmic description and software have been already tested aboard the aircraft and is in serial production and operation with Customer.

Besides the upgrading of the previously supplied aircraft, the new aircraft of the MiG-29SM type can be manufactured.


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