Monday, 11 November 2019

US will deploy F-35 fighter jets near Russian bases in Syria

KoenH @flicker

США разместят рядом с российскими базами в Сирии истребители F-35

Translated by google

US will deploy F-35 fighter jets near Russian bases in Syria

The American F-35 will appear next to the Russian military bases in Syria.

According to the Israeli publication "9Tv", the American side places a huge number of hangars for F-35 fighters on the territory of the Jewish state. We are talking about hundreds of combat aircraft, which creates a certain threat to Russian military facilities in the Middle East.

“Aircraft hangars are being erected urgently throughout Israel, most likely intended to“ park ”the latest all-weather fifth-generation fighter F-35i (Adir). The US Department of Defense is responsible for the project, the total area of ​​the hangars under construction is 252,000 square meters , ”it was informed.

According to analysts, this can be a serious threat, because even with the adoption of drastic measures to strengthen the security of Russian military bases, hundreds of combat aircraft represent tremendous power.

On the other hand, experts believe that it is exclusively about strengthening the US military influence in the region with the aim of confronting Iran, which is already actively deploying its military facilities in Syria

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