Monday, 25 November 2019 Russia is unlikely to succeed in selling Su planes to China again

Sunson Guo Russia is unlikely to succeed in selling Su planes to China again

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Over the past few years, Russia has been closely monitoring the Chinese market as a whole. In order to pay off public debt, the country sold weapons to Chinese colleagues. Nevertheless, China has advanced far in terms of technology, and today it is the second largest economy and partial leadership in technological progress.

Despite the growth of Chinese technology, the country continues to purchase weapons from Russia. Experts and foreign media conducted a small analysis, finding out the potential causes and motives of China to buy weapons from Russia.

One of the experts' assumptions is the strategically focused idea of ​​purchasing weapons. China has never positioned itself as an exporter of weapons, since it did not have such technologies, so the country's main direction is import.

With the growth of technology, the Chinese authorities intend to create their own weapons capabilities. It is possible that imported weapons will be used as the basis.

Nevertheless, the purchase of weapons from Russia is still ongoing - this was reported at the Army-2019 forum, which was held from June 25 to 30. In addition to standard weapons, the Russian military offered the Chinese a batch of Su-35 aircraft.

In 2015, China acquired Su-35 aircraft. Then they were imported more than 20 pieces. The total contract amounted to 2.5 billion dollars. At the same time, a lot of disputes and disagreements arose in the transaction. Chinese military experts believed that the price of one aircraft - $ 100 million - is not worth the money. There was an opposite opinion that the Su-35 will help increase China's military power.

As it turned out, the Chinese military bought the Su-35 combat aircraft. The reasons for this decision are as follows:

  • At that time, the Chinese Air Force was developing J-20 fighters;
  • the Chinese government recognizes Russian aircraft engines as the best;
  • maintaining favorable relations with Russia.

Thus, the Chinese Air Force was able to replenish aircraft reserves through the purchase of the Su-35, put into development the J-20 and, together with Russia, introduced the S-400 air defense system. Hence we can say that China is trying to maintain good and high-quality relations with the military forces of the Russian Federation.

Today, in 2019, the need for the Su-35 has long disappeared. China has already replenished its ranks due to the implemented project of the J-20 fighter. According to Chinese experts, the country's air force does not even attract modern models of Su-57 aircraft. Thus, experts suggested that Russia is trying to sell military equipment due to lack of money.

A similar situation occurred after the collapse of the USSR, when the Russian Air Force sold Su-27 aircraft to China. As a result, the deal helped the country out of the economic crisis, and China's aviation went up a few steps.

With the growth of technology, China is becoming more independent. Experts predict that the likelihood of a deal is extremely low, since the Chinese Air Force has enough high-quality technology in its arsenal. For Russia, on its offer there is a new buyer - India.

Sukhoi Su-57: Details
Chengdu J-20: Details