Saturday, 21 September 2019

F-35 combat readiness still in doubt

Brent Clark

Боеготовность F-35 все еще под вопросом | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»

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The task of achieving 80% combat readiness for the F-35 was set by the former US Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

According to this requirement, it is assumed that less than 10% of the fleet may be unsuitable for flights due to a lack of spare parts, and less than 10% may be unsuitable for flights due to problems with their maintenance. The remaining 80% of fighters should be ready at any time to fly into the air.

It should be noted that as of fiscal year 2018, the combat readiness of 148 F-35 fighters was only 49.55%, that is, only every second machine could fly into the air to carry out a combat mission.

The current costs of the U.S. Air Force to support the life of one F-35 are $ 5 million per year. Lockheed Martin promises to reduce these costs. In total, the US Department of Defense plans to order 2,456 F-35 fighters for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. 

It is expected that the total cost of maintaining this program until 2070 will cost US taxpayers $ 1.1 trillion, Regnum emphasizes.

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