Thursday, 9 January 2020

Chinese navy commissions another Type 056A-class corvette

623 Wenshan - 龙龑之

Chinese navy commissions another Type 056A-class corvette | Jane's 360

China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) commissioned another anti-submarine warfare (ASW)-capable Type 056A (Jiangdao)-class corvette on 31 December.

It was the third ship of the class to be commissioned that month.

The latest vessel of the class to enter service has been named Wenshan (with pennant number 623). Built at the Huangpu shipyard in Guangzhou, it was launched on 11 December 2018 and is likely to have joined the 17th frigate squadron of the PLAN’s South Sea Fleet.

Although the paucity of information about ship launches and commissioning makes it difficult to be certain, it is believed that a further 25 Type 056A corvettes have been launched and are currently being fitted out or undergoing post-build sea trials.

623 Wenshan - 龙龑之