Friday, 1 June 2018

3 new Type 056 corvettes launched since the end of April

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If the Type 056 corvette program seems to have had a short break in 2017, with only three vessels launched versus six to ten in previous years, the year 2018 obviously brings some momentum to the construction of this class of Chinese light warship, designed in part for the protection of the country's coast and maritime interests in its exclusive economic zones.

And as proof, five new hulls have been launched since the beginning of the year - if our monitoring is correct - including three since the end of April. The total number of Type 056 built so far would be 49, out of about 60 copies already ordered.

Of these five brand new corvettes, each displacing approximately 1,340 tonnes, two are built by Hudong Shipyard in Shanghai, two others by Liaonan Shipyard in northern China, and one at Huangpu Shipyard near Guangzhou in China. South. Only the shipyard Wuchang, one of the four production entities responsible for the construction of this class of ship, appears to have not yet launched Type 056 this year.

It will also be noted that the launch of the last Type 056, the 17th built in Shanghai and launched on May 16, was only two months apart from the previous one in the same shipyard. A pace never seen before.......Continue reading: HERE

Graphic source: IISS

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