Saturday, 22 February 2020

Plans for delivery of T-90M and T-14 tanks to the Russian armed forces

Vladislav Perminov

Plans for delivery of T-90M and T-14 tanks to the Russian armed forces | February 2020 Global Defense Security army news industry | Defense Security global news industry army 2020 | Archive News year

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the Russian Defense Ministry has taken a decision regarding the tank troops development: by 2027, there will be about 900 really modern tanks. The Russian armed forces will start receiving T-90M tanks of both new production and mostly upgraded from the existing T-90A tanks in 2020. Alexander Potapov, General Director of the Uralvagonzavod concern, said on Thursday, February 13, 2020: "I think that we will see them [T-90M tanks] soon this year" rest of article

T-14 Armata: Details
T-90A/S/M Main Battle Tank: Details