Mikhail Zakharov |
The answer to the construction of the US missile defense system will puzzle the Pentagon. Shock tandem from "Tupolev" in the game:
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Announced by competent sources in the Russian military-industrial complex, the launch of the program for integrating the X-47M2 Dagger anti-ship / multi-purpose aerial ballistic missiles into the ammunition and weapon control systems of the Tu-160M / M2 strategic bomber-bombers was greeted with rapturous comments from more than one hundred regular observers news and military-technical portals, including Military Review.
Equipping the Tu-160M / M2 strategic missile carriers with the Kh-47M2 “Dagger” aeroballistic missiles will open up new horizons for the aerospace forces in modeling the advanced containment concept
And in this case there really is a reason for pathos of thought in expert communities and in an informed audience of the Runet. Indeed, the upcoming implementation of this program by specialists of the Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunova (a branch of PJSC Tupolev), Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation (KTRV), and Kolomenskoye Machine Building Design Bureau will turn the dagger medium-range hypersonic missile system into a unique strategic containment tool that has the "depth" of delivering order X-47M2 missiles 9500 km (taking into account the radius of the Tu-160M2 missile carrier with the upgraded NK-32 turbojet engine of about 8000 km and the Kh-47M2 range of 1,500 km) and the anti-missile potential of THAAD and Patriot PAC-3MSE systems,
At the same time, the Tu-160M / M2 - X-47M2 strategic strike ligament will be able to boast of the following tactical and technical advantages in comparison with the White Swans standard ammunition, which is represented by nuclear sub-sonic stealth strategic cruise missiles X-101 and X-102.
First of all, this is a 9-10 times higher average flight speed of the Kh-47M2 “Dagger” (8500 km / h versus 850–970 km / h for the Kh-101/102), which provides flight time to objects at a distance of 1,500 km 10 minutes, while the X-101/102 cover the same distance in more than an hour and a half. As a result, during a hypothetical massive dagger strike with “Daggers” against such strategically important objects as the key naval base of the Atlantic fleet of the US Navy Norfolk or the air base and the US Naval Aviation Center in Jacksonville, the missile defense crews are at the disposal of “Patriot PAC-3MSE” systems, as well as operators of the combat information and control systems “Aegis” deployed on destroyers of the “Arleigh Burke” class,
And if high-energy multifunction radars AN / SPY-1D (V) or more advanced radars AN / SPY-6 AMDR of Aegis systems can independently detect X-47M2 (effective reflective surface of the order of 0.07-0.1 sq. M) on distances of about 200-350 km (the final stage of the marching section of the trajectory) and give target designation to the RIM-174 ERAM / SM-6 ship-borne missile interceptors, the less powerful multi-functional AN / MPQ-53/65 radars of the Patriot PAC-3MSE complexes cannot approach the approaching "Daggers", because the detection range of ballistic targets with an EPR of 0.0 7-0.1 square meters m for these radars is only 55-80 km, and the maximum elevation angle of the scanning beam in the viewing mode is 73 degrees,
As a result of this, an attempt to intercept the X-47M2 Dagger aeroballistic missiles using the Patriot PAC-3MSE systems can only be carried out with the use of additional means of radar reconnaissance (AN / APY-2/9 radar aircraft DRLOiU E-3C / G and E-2D or high-potential radar AN / TPY-2 GBR), aggregated into a single network-centric missile defense system with the Patriots ’EOC (Engagement Operations Centers) combat points using the Link-16 secure tactical information exchange network. In this case, the Patriot missile defense MIM-104F PAC-3MSE will be able to receive target designation for the "Daggers" and amid the inactivity of the multi-function radar AN / MPQ-65.
Here it is worth mentioning the second (main) technological advantage of the X-47M2 “Dagger” aeroballistic missiles, minimizing the likelihood of their interception by means of both the MIM-104F PAC-3MSE anti-ballistic missiles and the long-range SM-6 missiles. It's about the ability to perform intensive anti-aircraft maneuvers with overloads of about 30 units. on the terminal portion of the trajectory. The implementation of this mode is ensured thanks to the joint operation of the tail aerodynamic rudders and twin nozzle modules of pulsed gas-dynamic maneuvering engines.
To intercept such an object, the anti-missile must have available overloads of 65-70 units, which provides for equipping the gas-dynamic "belt" of transverse thrust engines to perform lightning-fast throws on the trajectory. The MIM-104F PAC-3MSE anti-aircraft guided missile is equipped with a similar “belt”; nevertheless, even with its presence, the maximum overloads of this missile can hardly reach 55-60G, which is not enough to destroy the “Dagger” aeroballistic missile by the method of kinetic destruction / direct hit (“hit-to-kill”). As for the long-range missiles RIM-174ERAM and interceptors of the THAAD complex, they do not at all have the ability to work on our X-47M2 Dagger missiles. The first is due to the small available overloads (30–35 G), due to the presence of only aerodynamic rudders;
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