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Boeing Gets $192M UK FMS Contract for Apache Helicopter, Longbow Trainer Support Services – GovCon Wire:
Matthew Nelson
March 10, 2020 News
Boeing (NYSE: BA) has secured a potential $191.9M contract from the U.S. Army to provide post-production services for the British military's AH-64E Apache helicopters and Longbow crew training systems.
The company will also help manage warehousing processes associated with 50 U.K. AH-64Es and three trainers to fulfill a foreign military sales requirement, the Department of Defense said Monday.
DoD noted the full obligated amount is from fiscal 2020 FMS funds and the department expects work to conclude by Dec. 31, 2024.
The Longbow flight simulator is designed to help Apache operators train on how to manage procedures and perform missions with the aircraft.
Ah-64 Apache: Details