Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Lockheed Gets $173M Modification on Advance Lot 15 F-35 Acquisition Contract

F-35C - George Land @flickr

Lockheed Gets $173M Modification on Advance Lot 15 F-35 Acquisition Contract – GovCon Wire

Nichols Martin 

March 10, 2020 News

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has been awarded a $173.2M contract modification by the U.S. Navy to obtain materials, components and support needed to build the 15th batch of F-35 jets.

The company will use the funds to meet F-35 production and delivery goals in support of the Navy and the Marine Corps as well as Italy under a foreign military sales agreement, the Department of Defense said Monday.

In February, Lockheed received a $347.8M modification as part of an advance acquisition contract for 43 lot 15 aircraft for the fighter program's FMS and non-DoD participants.

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