Monday, 30 March 2020

In Russia, told about the inaccuracy of the latest hypersonic missiles "Zircon"

Милла Краевская

Russia talked about the inaccuracy of the latest Zircon hypersonic missiles -

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In Russia, they spoke about the inaccuracy of the latest Zircon hypersonic missiles. Military expert Maxim Klimov believes that the main feature of such weapons complicates homing.

The expert’s reasoning is given by the publication. Klimov doubted the accuracy of the Zircons shooting from submarines and ships in real combat conditions. The expert explained that due to the high speed of movement around the rocket, a plasma shell is formed. Because of this, "the work of classical homing heads and means of communication is impossible."

Klimov noted that there are two possible solutions to the problem: either reduce the speed, but then the rocket will simply become supersonic, or "in some way provide a" conclusion to the plasma "of communication and guidance antennas."

The expert also said that the best carrier for Zircon is an airplane.

Source: "Admiral Gorshkov" in 2020 will carry out firing "Zircon" several times
Russia Stages First Ship-Launched ‘Tsirkon’ Hypersonic Missile Test
Russia State TV Boasts New Hypersonic ‘Zircon’ Missile Will Turn U.S. Defense ‘To Dust,’ Flies At 6,000 MPH

3M22 Zircon: Details