Sunday, 14 June 2020

Two frigates to be laid at Severnaya Verf shipyard in late June

Admiral Gorshkov -

Two frigates to be laid at Severnaya Verf shipyard in late June | Army | Society | Arguments and Facts

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Moscow, June 12 - AIF-Moscow.

At the shipyard "Severnaya Verf" in late June - early July 2020, the laying of two frigates of project 22350 is expected, RIA Novosti reports .

According to the Director General of the plant Igor Ponomarev, it is planned to improve the vessel immediately for the tasks that the Ministry of Defense sets before the manufacturer. From a technical point of view, these tasks are all solvable, he stressed.

The Director General noted that at the beginning of next month the plant is preparing to transfer to the Russian Navy the first serial frigate “Admiral of the Fleet of Kasatonov” of project 22350. 

As Ponomarev specified, the construction of the second serial frigate Admiral Golovko is currently underway. In addition, the project also included the Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov, Admiral Amelko and Admiral Chichagov.

Meanwhile, the frigates Admiral Amelko and Admiral Chichagov will be launched in two years, the source said.

Earlier, at the Severnaya Verf shipyard, a solemn ceremony of launching the frigate Admiral Golovko took place .

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