Friday, 5 November 2021

India has suspended a joint project with the Russian Federation of the fifth generation fighter

Sergey Parkhisenko

Индия приостановила совместный с РФ проект истребителя пятого поколения - ИА REGNUM

MOSCOW , November 2, 2021 , 10:00 - REGNUMIndia has suspended a program to create a fifth generation FGFA fighter based on the Russian Su-57, said Dmitry Shugaev , director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation .

According to him, the project has been suspended "until the adoption of the Su-57 by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

“The Su-57 is a multifunctional fighter, originally intended for the national air force. But at the same time it has a very high export potential, and this is confirmed by international expert opinion, ”he told RBC.

As reported by IA REGNUM , earlier India officially suspended its participation in the FGFA project, which was carried out in parallel with the development of the Su-57. It should be noted that this happened before the start of test flights of the Russian fifth generation fighter.


The military-industrial complex is a set of organizations and enterprises that carry out a state defense order. The specificity of the military-industrial complex is manifested in the customer's monopoly, special requirements for the quality and technical characteristics of products, their high science intensity and manufacturability; the need to maintain mobilization capacities, reserves of strategic raw materials and materials; in the difficulties of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex entering foreign arms markets, and so on.

A breakthrough in the development of the Russian military-industrial complex took place in 2011 with the development of three main areas: the implementation of the state defense order, (GOZ) modernization of the defense industry, the creation of the necessary legislative framework.

The role of the military-industrial complex in the foreign economic policy of the state is very significant. Defense enterprises account for up to a third of the export of machinery and equipment and enterprises.