Thursday, 30 May 2019

Embraer enters final stretch of KC-390 military certification tests


Embraer enters final stretch of KC-390 military certification tests | Jane's 360

Key Points

  • Embraer is completing its final set of tasks to achieve military certification for its KC-390 aircraft
  • The company hopes the aircraft will enter service with the Brazilian Air Force later this year

Embraer is entering the final stretch of military certification tests for its KC-390 tanker/transport aircraft with the goal of it entering service with the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira: FAB) by the end of the year.

Walter Pinto, Embraer vice-president of defence and security, told reporters on 28 May that the company will next complete continuous computed drop point (CCDP) certification, combat offload, and aerial refuelling. The KC-390, he said, previously performed dry contact refuelling tests with a Northrop F-5 Tiger II. Fuel transfers will start on the next test.

Other military certification tests to take place next include the KC-390's self-protection system, both the chaff and flare and the direct infrared countermeasure (DIRCM) capability. Pinto said the plan is to show compliance with major FAB requirements by the end of 2019.

Pinto added that some tests may be pushed to 2020 depending on aircraft availability and the FAB supporting tests with equipment and crew. The flight test campaign, he said, has flown 2,200 flight hours.

Embraer's most recent test was extraction air drops, performed this month. Aircraft FAB 1, the first KC-390 that will be delivered to the FAB, performed its first production flight test the weekend of 25 May, a key milestone on the path to initiating delivery with the FAB.

There are seven KC-390s in various states of assembly on the production line. FAB 1 is completely assembled, according to photos shown to reporters. FAB 2 is in final assembly with wings assembled, but no engines.

Flight Test Campaign Status - 2018
Published on Jan 23, 2019