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Dreams of a regiment: special military units are created for Su-57 fighter jets | Articles | News:
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Fifth generation aviation regiments will cover the main strategic directions
For Su-57 fighters, whose entry into the Armed Forces was announced by President Vladimir Putin, new aviation regiments will be formed . As told to Izvestia by several sources in the Ministry of Defense, these military units will have a fundamentally different structure . In particular, they will include special ground units responsible for the radar stealth of the aircraft . Experts believe that the fifth generation shelves are created to cover the main strategic areas: the Far East, South-West and North-West Russia .
The fact that by 2027 76 Su-57 fighters will arrive in the VKS, Vladimir Putin said at a military meeting in Sochi on May 15. Such a number of aircraft will allow to equip at once three regiments of a two-squadron structure, each of which should have 24 aircrafts each. Four more cars, the Izvestia interlocutors clarified at the Ministry of Defense, will get into the Lipetsk 4th Combat Training Center. There, instructor pilots will begin training pilots for the "fifty-seventh."
Three regiments for VKS
Now, the VCS is considering two options for deploying parts to which the Su-57 will arrive. The most likely is the creation of a new aviation regiment and the re-equipment of the two existing ones. It cannot be ruled out that the fifth generation airplanes will receive existing units. According to Izvestia sources in the Ministry of Defense, the final decision on this issue will be made after agreement with the United Aircraft Building Corporation (UAC) on the schedule for the supply of aircraft to the troops.
Most likely, the fifth generation shelves are created to cover the main strategic directions. One of them will be based in the East, the second - in the South-West, the third - in the North-West of the country, says military expert Dmitry Boltenkov. In his opinion, there is a high probability that the pilots of the 23rd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Mixed Aviation Division in the Khabarovsk Territory, stationed in Dzemgi, will be one of the first to join the new fighters. This airfield is used for testing aircraft. Y. Gagarin (located near Komsomolsk-on-Amur), which will be responsible for the serial production of domestic stealth fighters.
- In the VKS try to send a new technique in the first place in those parts that are close to the manufacturers. This choice is also supported by the fact that the 23rd Air Regiment has experience in mastering modern technology: several years ago it was the first part of the VKS, which received the Su-35 fighter, ”told Izvestia Dmitry Boltenkov.
The military leadership has been pursuing this approach in adopting new equipment for the VKS for many years. In particular, the Su-30SM fighters were the first to receive the 120th mixed aviation regiment from Domna, which is located near Irkutsk, where these aircraft were manufactured.
Su-57 is currently actively developing new types of weapons. In particular, the aircraft will receive a new ultra-long-range hypersonic air-to-air missile R-37M, which can hit high-speed air targets at a distance of more than 300 km.
Only experienced pilots
Special attention will be paid to the training of personnel for the new units, say sources of Izvestia in the Ministry of Defense. At the Su-57 installed a large number of sophisticated weapons and high-tech equipment, as well as new engines - to manage them will require specialists and pilots of the highest qualification.
To fly on planes of the fifth generation of the Su-57 will first allow the most trained pilots, former head of the 4th army of the Air Force and Air Defense, Hero of Russia Lieutenant General Valery Gorbenko told Izvestia.
“New aircraft will be put into service gradually,” he said. - First, the planes will be run-in at the plant, then they will be sent to the State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk. Here they will check the equipment and weapons of each aircraft, conduct control tests, and some pilots will retrain for a new aircraft.
Fifth generation air regiments will also receive fundamentally new ground equipment. In particular, mobile hangars will be manufactured to work with Su-57 fighters, where you can track the stealth coverage of the vehicles, which makes them invisible to enemy locators, and find out how the flights affected the visibility of the fighter in radar, infrared and other detection spectra. Personnel will be checking the on-board equipment and the Su-57 plating for abnormal radio-electronic radiation.
Equipment for testing the radio-electronic stealth Su-57 has already passed the test in Syria during the combat test of these machines.