Monday, 6 May 2019

Russia linked the sections of Project 20386 Corvette Merkuriy

NavyRecognition on Twitter: "#Russia linked the sections of #Project20386 #Corvette #Merkuriy #RussianNavy #Navy"

The Project 20386 Corvette ‘Merkuriy’ (originally ‘Derzkiy’) was laid down on October 28, 2016. On April 23, the first three sections of the ship were linked. The Project 20386 Corvette is designed to conduct naval operations in blue and green waters and protect maritime communications and economic assets. The ships strike surface combatants and vessels by SLCMs, destroys submarines by her onboard ASW systems, provides AD, and supports offshore landings.

Severnaya Verf and Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard agreed on payment schedule for the manufacture of composite superstructure for lead corvette project 20386
Lead ship 'Derzky" Project 20386 plan to be launched in 2021

PROJECT 20386 (CORVETTES): Details