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Nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod to test US defense | Military and naval | Yandex Zen:
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The latest submarine is preparing to go to sea
Just yesterday it became known that the Belgorod special-purpose nuclear submarine is preparing for its first launch at sea for trials that will begin in May of this year. At first it will be just sea trials, then deep-sea ones, and then the tests of all top-secret systems and mechanisms introduced on this mysterious underwater ship will begin. After completing the factory test program, the state will begin.
Immediately after their graduation, according to sources in Deer Bay, the submarine will go on a long trip to the shores of North America. Which region is not specified, but it will definitely approach the US coast in order to conduct various deep-sea studies using special devices on board.
Definitely, it is unlikely that there will be Poseidon aboard this exit, because if a potential enemy finds out about it, it will be so-so, especially in such an economic situation.
Speaking generally about this submarine, its history began back in the early 90s. It was laid down according to project 949A at the Sevmash plant. Almost until the middle of the “tenths”, its construction was frozen, and then it was re-laid. That is, it changed its design, and for this the central part of the ship was divided and a compartment for special systems and equipment was put in it, which is why at the moment it is the longest submarine in the world, but not the largest - this is the superiority of the nuclear submarines “Dmitry Donskoy”, which will help “Belgorod” in sea and state trials.
The nuclear submarine "Belgorod" was launched - YouTube
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