Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Russia unveils the capabilities of its 'anti-space weapon' - the S-500 missile system

S-500 - Aicrovision Modelle 3D

Russia unveils the capabilities of its 'anti-space weapon' - the S-500 missile system:

MOSCOW, (BM) – Former commander of the anti-aircraft missile forces of the Special Forces Command (Moscow Air Defense, 2007-2009), reserve colonel Sergei Khatylev, told what tasks the new S-500 anti-aircraft missile system can solve, learned BulgarianMilitary.com citing Vzglyad.

“This complex can solve several problems. For example, the detection and destruction of conventional aerodynamic targets – airplanes and helicopters, cruise missiles – all that flies in the range of up to hypersonic speeds. But besides this, the S-500 is capable of shooting down ballistic targets, not only on the descending section of the flight path, but also on everyone else. There the speeds are already cosmic – several kilometers per second,” Moskovsky Komsomolets conveys his words.

Khatylev noted that the S-500 can destroy targets at an altitude of up to 200 kilometers and at a range of up to 600 kilometers.

“That is, the S-500 is able to work on targets in near space. This is an anti-space weapon. In this complex, the separation method is technically applied, when one locator works for targets flying at maximum altitudes, and the other for those that fly near the ground, up to 30 kilometers,” he said.

He recalled that now the layered territorial multi-channel missile defense system A-235 with the Nudol complex, as well as short-range and long-range interception missiles up to 1 thousand kilometers, was created only around the Moscow industrial region, but with the advent of the S-500 it will be possible to talk about missile defense defense of entire territories.

“And subsequently, with the increase in production and improvement of these products, it’s about the missile defense of the country as a whole and the creation on this basis of the aerospace defense of the entire Russian Federation,” Khatylev said.

According to him, only Russia has a similar system.

On March 26, the Special Engineering Engineering Design Bureau announced that Russia is completing testing of individual elements of the new generation S-500 anti-aircraft missile system.

Pavel Sozinov, general designer of the Almaz-Antey concern, said that the latest S-500 air defense system will be able to shoot down targets hundreds of kilometers from the Earth.

The government announced the imminent start of operation of the S-500
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