Wednesday, 22 April 2020

S-350 "Vityaz" four times improve the protection of the Russian Federation from cruise missiles

RIA Novosti

S-350 "Vityaz" four times improve the protection of the Russian Federation from cruise missiles - Russian newspaper

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The latest S-350 Vityaz air defense system will quadruple the efficiency of repulsing massive attacks by cruise missiles at major Russian facilities.

Within the framework of the state arms program, the delivery of S-350 anti-aircraft systems to military units of the airborne forces and the navy is planned in the near future, writes Krasnaya Zvezda , the official body of the Russian Defense Ministry .

Now there is only one “Vityaz” in the Russian army - at the beginning of the year, the first copy of the S-350 was received by the Marshal Zhukov Academy of Aerospace Defense in Tver. Teachers of the university study new equipment, then retraining of military units will be organized on its basis.

The features of the "Knight" are all-aspect and increased productivity of firing. The latter was achieved through the use of anti-aircraft missiles with an active homing head - approaching the target, such a missile pursues it on its own, without needing help from the ground. And the guidance channels of multifunctional radars are freed up to fire at new targets. By the way, there can be two or three such radars in the complex - again, to increase the firing efficiency and survivability of the Vityaz itself. The ammunition load of guided missiles is four times that of the S-400 Triumph air defense system.

The complex includes a combat command vehicle, multifunctional radars and two launchers with 12 missiles each. The technical capabilities of the radar and control vehicles allow to simultaneously fire at 16 targets, pointing at 2 missiles at each. Vityaz can work in a fully automatic mode: the computer itself chooses the method of hitting each target and does it much faster and more accurately than a person. This property is especially valuable during mass raids - anti-aircraft gunners call them "stellar" - when threats simultaneously arise from different directions.

In the training center in Gatchina, for the first “Vityaz” in the RF NE, they simulated a simultaneous attack of 24 “aircraft” targets from all over the world. Electronics without fuss neutralized all the threats.

Russian Air Force Receives First S-350 Vityaz Air Defence Systems - MoD