Saturday, 4 September 2021

The cause of the crash of the Il-112V in the Moscow region was an engine fire, which led to a break in the aileron thrust - media

Alexander Shipilenko

Moscow. September 1. INTERFAX-AVN - The crash of the Il-112V prototype aircraft in the Moscow region occurred due to the destruction of the wing aileron thrust, which burned out in an engine fire, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing data from investigations by experts from the RF Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC).

      “The critical situation on board was provoked by an engine fire, but the car left in an uncontrolled side roll, which turned into a rollover, because of the breakage of the right aileron thrust destroyed by fire. The pilots in this situation could not do absolutely anything; they also had nothing to say to each other, therefore the crew died in silence, "the publication says.

     According to the newspaper, a few minutes after takeoff, a powerful "kerosene" fire broke out in the internal cavities of the nacelle and the right wing of the Il-112V, the causes of which have not yet been clarified. The crew quickly began to extinguish the fire, but the foam attack did not cope with the fire, since both Il-112V fire extinguishing systems were focused primarily on the engines, and the fire had already spread to the wing.

     The Il-112V pilots turned off the burning engine, positioned the aircraft rudders in the right way and adjusted the operating mode of the remaining engine in order to direct the aircraft engulfed in fire to the departure airfield for an emergency landing, the newspaper reported.

     “The experienced crew, as experts say, acted smoothly and quickly. The commander, without the slightest sign of panic, ordered the co-pilot:“ Back off, ”then“ Feather, ”and he just as calmly reported on the execution. (...) However, the desperate struggle of people for survival, according to experts, was in vain, because the car itself "surrendered", - the article says.

     It notes that 45 seconds after the start of the fire, the aileron thrust going inside (a hinged duralumin tube holding the right aileron down) reached a critical temperature, lost its elasticity and "flowed". Due to the destruction of the aileron thrust, the car began to roll to the right, overturned and crashed to the ground. The last turn of the Il-112V lasted only three seconds.

     "The pilots could not somehow influence the behavior of the aircraft; apparently, they did not consider it necessary to comment on the situation either, so they simply kept silent. (...) Experts who dealt with this tragedy say that they could not get the aircraft out of bank under such conditions. no pilot in the world, "the publication says.

     The publication noted that most experts believe that the reason for the tragedy is "the unpreparedness for flights of the first experimental model of the military transport aircraft and the possible haste with its commissioning."

     According to the newspaper, the only flight model of the Il-112V managed to take off 23 times, while making 22 landings. The specialists made the most complaints about the engines of the TV7-117ST transporter manufactured by UEC-Klimov JSC.

     "However, despite all the problems that have arisen, they decided to show the experimental copy first at the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS), held in July, and then - to coincide with the show to the International Military-Technical Forum" Army-2021 ", held on August 22-28. , as experts believe, and created the conditions for a catastrophe, but whether this opinion will become the official conclusion of the commission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is not yet clear, "the newspaper writes.

     On August 17, in the area of ​​the Kubinka airfield in the Moscow region, the only flight model of the new Il-112V transport aircraft crashed. The crash occurred during a landing approach during a training flight ahead of the Army-2021 forum. All three crew members were killed. Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded them with the Order of Courage posthumously "for courage, courage and dedication shown in testing and mastering new aviation technology."

     The crashed plane is in the register of experimental aviation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the commission to investigate the incident was headed by the deputy head of the department, Oleg Bocharov.

     Investigators after the crash of the Il-112V opened a criminal case under the article on violation of traffic safety rules and the operation of air transport (part 3 of article 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

     The Il-112V was equipped with TV7-117ST turboprop engines manufactured by UEC-Klimov (part of Rostec). Similar engines are installed on the passenger Il-114-300, which is also being tested so far. According to the UAC, at the moment, test flights of the Il-114 have been suspended pending clarification of the reasons for the crash of the Il-112V.