Sunday, 10 March 2019

New Royal Navy £1.25bn 'budget' frigates won't fight war on terror - Plymouth Live

Babcock's Arrowhead frigate design is a 120 meter general-purpose frigate

New Royal Navy £1.25bn 'budget' frigates won't fight war on terror - Plymouth Live: The Government has not yet revealed which UK shipyard will clinch a £1.25billion project to build the Type 31e vessels - which will fulfil 'routine' roles for the Royal Navy

The Royal Navy's future fleet of cut-price Type 31e frigates won't aid an elite defence strike force led by mighty aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales in the global war on terror, the Government has revealed.

The vessels are currently in the concept stages and yards around Britain are fighting it out in the hope they'll land a lucrative £1.2billion contract to build them.

Plymouth, Portsmouth and a firm in Dorset have been initially handed £5million to work up early designs in the race to secure the deal.

They are to be less-advanced and 'cheaper' than the Royal Navy's next generation of £8billion Type 26s, which are to be based in Plymouth once they are built following a hard fought campaign to ensure the South West continues to fulfil a vital defence role...........

thyssenkrupp to supply final design of Type 31e frigates for Royal Navy