Thursday, 21 March 2019

Russia to equip cruise missile submarine with hypersonic anti-ship missile - H I Sutton - Covert Shores

H I Sutton - Covert Shores Russian state media reports (in Russian) that the 3M22 Zircon (Циркон) hypersonic anti-ship missile will be tested aboard the project 885M SEVERODVINSK Class (aka Yasen Class) K-561 Kazan in 2019. If successful, this weapon could transform the threat posed by Russian cruise missile submarines to Western navies. 

Zircon is reported to have a range of 160 nautical miles at a speed of Mach 7. Some claims suggest a range of 540 nautical miles and speeds of Mach 9. In its cruise mode it uses a scramjet to achieve incredible speeds. 

Hypersonic Zircon will be tested from the Kazan submarine in 2020 » Военное обозрение
Source: Zirkon rocket will be launched from the frigate Admiral Gorshkov at the end of the year - ТАСС
Putin to U.S.: I'm ready for another Cuban Missile crisis if you want one | Reuters