Saturday, 9 March 2019

Irkut Corporation will produce an additional prototype of the MC-21 aircraft for testing the PD-14 twin engine

AVIA RU авиационный портал

Корпорация «Иркут» произведет дополнительный прототип самолета MC-21 для испытаний двикателя ПД-14 - ОРУЖИЕ РОССИИ Информационное агентство: Translated by google - The Irkut Corporation (part of the United Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation - UAC) will produce an additional flight prototype of the prospective narrow-body MS-21 aircraft for testing Russian PD-14 engines. The first four prototypes will only be used to certify the base version of an aircraft equipped with Pratt & Whitney PW1400G powerplants. 

As stated in "Irkut" on February 26, the first serial MS-21 will be finalized for the installation of the PD-14 . A representative of the corporation told that this aircraft should be assembled at the end of 2019 - the beginning of 2020. When the sun began flight tests in the company did not specify. 

Irkut signed an agreement with ODK-Perm Motors for the supply of PD-14 engines for flight tests in January 2018 - deliveries were to begin in the same year. At that time, it was reported that the MS-21 equipped with Russian power plants would take to the air in 2019, certification was scheduled for 2021. Note that PD-14 received a type certificate at the end of 2018.

Obviously, Irkut is in a hurry with the certification of the base version of the aircraft - the company is already several years behind the original schedule. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov, during his visit to the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, noted that at the moment there is a task to complete certification in 2020, and to start mass production in 2021.

At the moment, in the flight tests involved two prototype MC-21-300 with engines PW1400G. Yuri Borisov noted that the third aircraft should join them in March, the fourth - until July. Initially it was expected that one of these prototypes would be finalized for the installation of the PD-14, but a representative from Irkut noted that this could slow down the certification of the base version of the aircraft. 

Recall, the Russian government, together with UAC, developed a plan of specific measures to replace foreign components and materials used in MS-21 with Russian analogues. This happened after, as a result of US sanctions, the supply of materials for the composite wing of the Armed Forces stopped. 

However, Irkut is not in a hurry to abandon the PW1400G in favor of PD-14. "We do not refuse partnership with Pratt & Whitney, we will not take any measures to worsen this partnership," said Yuri Borisov.

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